"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me." -Revelation 3:20 [KJV]

See, my soul, what condescension there is in Jesus! It was but on the last evening that thou wert feasted by His own gracious invitation at His table; and now the Lord invites Himself at thine. So earnest is Jesus to keep up the closest acquaintance and holy familiarity with His redeemed, that if they are at any time backward in inviting Him, He will invite Himself. Jesus is prepared to come this evening, before thou art prepared for Him; yea, not only before thou hast invited Him, but even before thy poor timid and unbelieving heart could, have had the idea or expectation of such a guest.  

And hear what the gracious, kind, affectionate Lord saith. Behold! In which He not only desires to have it heard and known by thee, but all the church shall know His love in this particular, and be witness of His great grace and condescension. And where is the Lord? "Behold! I stand," He saith, "at the door and knock!" And wilt thou not, my soul, instantly cry out, as Laban, of old did to the messenger of Abraham, "Come in thou blessed of the Lord; wherefore standest thou without?" Oh! the grace that is in the heart of Jesus; that He, who is the sovereign Lord of all, who hath made us, redeemed us, bought us with such a price as His blood, should nevertheless stand without, and beg admittance into the hearts of His people, which He hath made, and new made, and over whom He hath all power to kill and to make alive, to heal and to destroy!  

Precious, precious Jesus! I bless Thy name that I hear Thy voice. Thy loud and powerful knocks, by Thy word and by Thy Spirit, have made me earnest for Thy admission. Put in Thine hand, Lord, by the hole of the door, and open my heart, as Thou didst Lydia's, and give me all-suited grace to receive Thee, to embrace Thee, to love Thee, to delight in Thee, and give Thee a most hearty welcome. I would say, in the warmth and desire of my soul, and in the language of Thine own most sacred words; "Lift up your beads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in!" And what hath my Lord promised, when the door of my poor heart is opened? Yea, Thou hast said, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with Me.  

Bountiful Lord! wilt Thou indeed give me the precious privilege of an union with Thee, and communion with Thyself and Thy graces? Wilt Thou feed and feast me at my poor house, as on the last night Thou didst at Thine own? I have nothing to set before Thee; I can bring forth nothing worthy of Thy acceptance. But methinks I hear my Lord say, "I am the bread of life, and the bread of God which cometh down from heaven." I Am all, and provide all, and will give the true relish and enjoyment for all! Lord, I fall down under a deep sense of my vileness and Thy glory; my emptiness and Thine all-sufficiency. Yea, blessed Master! be Thou all in all, and let my poor soul feast upon Thy fulness; and do Thou "stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples, for I am sick of love." 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)    


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