Our LORD is Very Gracious!

"Thou shalt weep no more; He will be very gracious unto thee, at the voice of thy cry; when He shall hear it, He will answer thee." -Isaiah 30:19 [KJV]

Listen to this, my soul. Ponder over every precious word in it. Are not all tears dried from thine eyes, when beholding that complete salvation in which thou art interested in Christ Jesus? Believers are commanded to sorrow no more, as others without hope. And doth Jesus indeed wait to be gracious, nay, very gracious? Is it possible to consider that He, who hath all power in heaven and in earth, waits upon a poor worm of the dust, and this in order to be gracious? Come then, my soul, unto the mercy-seat. Do thou wait for Him, who thus waits for thee. And as soon as thy Lord hath heard, and answered one prayer, do thou follow it up with another.  

Remember that He waits to be gracious; and Jesus is glorified, in giving out of His fulness to supply the wants of His people. And what petitions, my soul, hast thou now before the throne? What mercies art thou waiting for? Lord, help me to know my need, and Thy fulness to supply.  

Help me to be for ever bartering my poverty for Thy riches, and my sins for Thy righteousness; that while Thou art coming forth to me in mercy, my soul may be going forth to meet Thee in prayer; and while Jesus is loading me with benefits, my poor heart may for ever be proclaiming His praise.

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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