Encouragement in our LORD God

"Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost." -Acts 11:16 [KJV]

Blessed promise! realize it, Oh Thou Holy Spirit, day by day, in and upon my soul. Bring me under the continued baptisms of Thy sovereign influence, and cause me to feel all the sweet anointings of the Spirit sent down upon the hearts and minds of Thy redeemed, as the fruits and effects of Jesus's exaltation, and the promise of God the Father. Yes, blessed Spirit, cause me to know Thee in Thy person, work, and power; in all Thy offices, characters, and relations. I need Thee day by day, as my Comforter. I need Thee, as the Spirit of truth, to guide me into all truth. I need Thee, as the Remembrancer of the Lord Jesus, to bring to my forgetful heart all the blessed things He hath revealed to me. I need Thee, as the witness of my Jesus, to testify of my wants, and His fulness to supply. I need Thee, as my advocate and helper, in all my infirmities in prayer. I need thee, as the earnest of the promised inheritance, that I may not faint, nor want faith to hold on and hold out in all dark seasons. I need Thee, Lord; nay, I cannot do a moment without Thee, nor act faith, nor believe a promise, nor exercise a grace, without Thy constant, Thine unceasing agency upon my poor soul. Come then, Lord, I beseech Thee, and let me be brought under Thine unceasing baptisms. Shed abroad the love of God my Father in my heart, and direct me into the patient waiting for Jesus Christ. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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