Rejoice, The Master Is Coming!

"Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing." -II Timothy 4:8 [KJV]

Pause, my soul, over this blessed verse, and mark the very weighty things contained in it. Many a soul is for deferring the thoughts of this great day of God, and conclude, that the justification of the sinner cannot be known until the day of judgment. But, my soul, see to it, that thou art for bringing the firm and unshaken belief of it into immediate possession and enjoyment now; for surely Jesus hath effectually and fully provided for it. "Whom He called, them He also justified; and whom He justified, them He also glorified."  

See to it then, my soul, that thou dost not suffer thyself to live a day, no, not an hour, in a state of uncertainty upon a point of such infinite consequence, in which the pardon of thy sins, and the justification of thy person before God, is so highly concerned. If Jesus be thy Surety, His righteousness and blood must be thy full justification before God, and His salvation as much now as it will ever be.  

Pause then, and ask thine heart, dost thou love His appearing? Suppose the trump of God was this moment to sound, wouldest thou love His appearing? No doubt the moment would be solemn, but would it not be glorious? Is Jesus thine; His righteousness thine; His blood thy ransom? Wouldest thou love His appearing if these things were sure? And what makes them not sure? Art thou looking to any other righteousness? Hast thou not disclaimed all other saviours? Ask thyself again; dost thou love His appearing, in the season of ordinances, providences, retirements; in His word, in the visits of His grace; at His table, His house of prayer, among His churches, His people? Dost thou love His appearing in the conversion of every poor sinner; and doth the same make thee to rejoice over the recovery of such as angels do, when one repents?  

My soul, let these things be among thy daily meditations concerning Jesus; for then will thy meditation of Him be sweet. And by thus making the justification of thy person in the blood and righteousness of Jesus thy daily comfort, thou wilt be prepared to love His appearing, in death, and finally at judgment; that when the Master comes, and calleth for thee, thou mayest arise with holy joy, and mount up to meet the Lord in the air, and receive that crown of Jesus's righteousness which fadeth not away. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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