Watchful and Bold

Watchful and bold is the Christian’s motto. Watchful, to avoid sin; bold, to resist the enemies of his soul. For he is engaged in a righteous cause, animated by righteous hopes, made righteous by a righteous Lord from Whom he derives all his strength and courage. “In the LORD (Jehovah the Lord Jesus Christ) have I righteousness and strength” (Isaiah 45:24). This is the glorying of his soul. It is not his own inherent strength, nor his own personal righteousness, that are the cause of his fortitude; but the arm of Jehovah is his shield, and the perfect righteousness of JESUS is his breastplate of defense against every enemy. 

Being cleansed from guilt by the blood of JESUS, and clothed with His righteousness, by faith the soul experiences a holy boldness at a throne of grace—appeals against the fury of the enemy and oppressor—and finds supplies of strength in every time of need. This is the life of faith. So, believers grow strong, not in conceit of what they are in themselves, but “strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus” and “strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might” (1 Timothy 1:14; Ephesians 6:10).

-preacher William Mason (1719-1791 A.D.)


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