Christ is Everything to His People

    If we have been born again by the Holy Spirit, we know Christ to be everything to us for our eternal salvation and final glory. He is our Representative before Holy God and our Surety to bear the debt of our sins. He is our Substitute Who took our place under the wrath of God to pay our sin-debt in full. He is our Redeemer Who actually paid our sin-debt by His own blood and secured our salvation unto final glory. 

He is the one Mediator between God and us, our Intercessor and our Advocate. He is our Prophet to reveal His Word to us. He is our High Priest to go into the holiest for us. He is our King to reign and rule over us. He is our Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption. He is our Shepherd to lead, provide for, and protect us. He is our Head, our Foundation, and our Chief Cornerstone. To us who are His people, CHRIST IS ALL, and HE IS IN ALL who believe and trust in Him for all salvation and eternal life.

-preacher Bill Parker


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