Lawful Self-Defense Reminders

"Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked." -PSALM 82:3-4 [KJV]

...he that hath no sword, LET HIM SELL HIS GARMENT, AND BUY ONE.” -LUKE 22:36 [KJV]

Hello friends,

I found a write-up of interest on a certain discussion forum and thought to share it with you:

"In personal protection class I was taught that legally (and as a rule morally), there must be three elements present before you meet the What would a reasonable person do?” standard to justify using lethal force...

1) The “actor” who presents a threat must have the CAPABILITY to cause you death or serious bodily injury.

2) The actor must have the 0PPORTUNITY to cause you death or serious bodily injury.

3) The actor must ACT in a fashion which would cause you death or serious bodily injury.

Those are my Unlock Codes." If I reasonably believe those criteria are met, the decisions have already been made. I will not think about it any further. I will respond with whatever necessary force I can muster. Period.

If I’m in my car and caught in a riot while rioters are banging on my windows with bare hands I will sit in my car and try to contact law enforcement. They likely don’t have the capability to do me harm. If one of them has a brick and starts trying to smash my window, everything just changed. He has Capability, Opportunity and just Acted. Even a group of young men without weapons could beat me to death. I was taught deadly force can be justifiable in that situation, much more so if one has a blunt instrument. In that case, “Better judged by 12 than carried by 6” becomes the new rule and I will act. The same rules would apply at my home or anywhere I may be. In some cases I would act, in others no. Regardless of my opinion of the rioter, they are not worth life in prison.

As a side note, if they tried to torch my home, last I know New Hampshire law allows shooting someone in the act of arson so...there’s that."

[End quote]


A good reminder for us all:

... Situational Awareness

... Avoidance

... De-Escalation

... Deployment of Less-than-Lethal means of defense (pepper spray, etc.) and/or Escape

... Deadly Force


Back in the late '80's and while on active-duty in U.S. Naval Special Warfare a few of us were able to attend Gunsite (near Prescott, AZ) for a one-week "Special Carbine Course-of-Instruction" and our lead instructor was Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper (USMC, Combat veteran of Korea, Vietnam). Cooper wrote,

"The only acceptable response to the threat of lethal violence is IMMEDIATE AND SAVAGE COUNTER-ATTACK."


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