JESUS CHRIST and Him Crucified! Hallelujah

The true servant of the Lord always has as his goal to honestly, clearly and boldly proclaim the blessed message of “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” There is no other Savior but the LORD JESUS and the only way He could bring in everlasting righteousness was by His substitutionary, justice-satisfying death and resurrection. The gospel preacher is constantly declaring…

I.  A divine covenant of grace in which God determined the Savior, chose those whom He would save and appointed the way by which they would be saved from every effect of sin and brought safely to everlasting glory.

II.  A devastating fall into sin by Adam, the representative of our race, which left all mankind spiritually dead and alienated from God.

III.  A holy God whose law none can obey.

IV.  A just penalty for breaking the law which must be enforced.

V.   A righteousness demanded which no man can produce.

VI.  A spiritual filthiness which none can cleanse.

VII.  A guilt before God that none can erase.

VIII.  A death that all men must experience.

IX.  A judgment which none can avoid.

X.  An eternity every person must spend somewhere.

XI.  A repentance toward God and a faith in Christ that none can create.

XII.  A blessed Savior whose blood and righteousness satisfied the demands of divine justice for His chosen people

XIII.  A glorious, eternal salvation that is by the free and sovereign grace of the Lord. This salvation was purposed in eternity, accomplished by Christ’s cross-death and is made known by the revealing grace of the Holy Spirit who imparts spiritual life to unworthy sinners and gives repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

-Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd

Thirteenth Street Baptist church of Ashland, Kentucky USA

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