The Glorious Gospel Trumpet - The Infinite Christ

Thank God, the Savior He has provided for us is possessed of limitless resources. There is no shortness or straitness in Him. There is infinite value in that precious blood which He shed upon the Cross to make an atonement for sin. There is infinite pity in His heart toward sinners. There is infinite readiness and willingness on His part to receive all who will come to Him.
There is infinite power in His arm to deliver and keep that which is committed unto Him. There is no sinner so depraved that Christ’s blood cannot cleanse him. There is no sinner so bound by the fetters of Satan that Christ cannot free him. There is no sinner so weary and despondent that Christ cannot satisfy him. The promise of the Savior Himself is, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" [MATTHEW 11:28].
O, sin-sick soul, put Him to the test for yourself, and see. Come to Christ just as you are, in all your wretchedness and need, and He will gladly receive you, blot out all your iniquities, and put a new song into your mouth. May God, in His grace, cause some despondent ones to prove for themselves the infinite sufficiency of His Son.

-Gospel report by preacher A. W. Pink


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