Spiritual Breathings of the Quickened Soul

"The election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded."-ROMANS 11:7 [KJV]

Those that are blinded by the god of this world, have no knowledge of what power and feeling and savour and dew are; they see not these things, they are blind to their reality, they are dead to their importance; but the living family of God, who are brought by His blessed Spirit into some apprehension of eternal realities, have eyes to see what power is, and hearts too, to desire to feel its manifestation.
Nay, it is the very seeing what reality and power are which makes them desire to experience the savour of eternal things in their conscience; and because they do not feel them as they wish, it makes them often fear that they are blind altogether [ISAIAH 59:10]. But the very inquiry, the very anxious cry, the very groaning desire, the very fervent supplication to the Lord that He would not let them live and die without a testimony from Himself, that He would lift up the light of His countenance and grant them the life of His favour—these very cries are a proof of life.
Were you blind, you would not see these things; were you deaf, you would not spiritually hear these things; were you dead, you would not feel these things. And, therefore, that which you seem to take as an evidence against you, is, in reality, an evidence for you; and the very sensations of trepidation, anxious inquiry, godly fear, and the crying out before the Lord that He would search and try you and really make your heart right in His sight—these very things are the symptoms of life, the evidences of a work of grace upon the heart, and are the spiritual breathings of the quickened soul, the Lord Himself having communicated these feelings unto it.

-Gospel report by preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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