The Best Robe!

God’s children are wrapped around with a robe, a seamless robe, which earth and heaven could not buy the like of if it, were it once lost. For texture it excels the fine linen of the merchants; for whiteness it is purer than the driven snow; no looms on earth could make it, but Jesus spent His life to make my robe of righteousness. There was a drop of blood in every throw of the shuttle, and every thread was made of His own heart’s agonies.

It is a robe that is divine, complete; a better one than Adam wore in the perfection of Eden. Adam had but a human righteousness though a perfect one, but we have a divinely perfect righteousness. Strangely, my soul, are you arrayed, for your Savior’s garment is on you- the royal robe of David is wrapped about his Jonathan.

Look at God’s people as they are clothed also in the garments of “sanctification.” Was there ever such a robe as that? It is literally stiff with jewels. Every day He arrays the lowliest of His people as though it were a wedding day. He arrays them as a bride adorns herself with jewels. He will have them dressed in gold of Ophir.

What riches of grace then must there be in God who thus clothes His children!

-Gospel report by preacher C.H. Spurgeon (1834–1892 A.D.)


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