Shout From The Top of The Mountains

"Let the inhabitants of the Rock sing"
-ISAIAH 42:11 [KJV]
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Rock in Whom the believer dwells. We behold the glory of God in Christ the Rock [EXODUS 33: 18-22; 34: 5-8; II CORINTHIANS 4:6]. Christ is our one foundation in Whom we shall never be moved [ISAIAH 28:16; I CORINTHIANS 3:11; MATTHEW 7:24-27]. As we travel through this wilderness we drink of Christ the smitten Rock [EXODUS 17:6; I CORINTHIANS 10: 4; JOHN 4:10; ISAIAH 43:20]. Christ is the Rock which brethren use to hold up one another's weary hands [EXODUS 17:12-13]. CHRIST IS THE ROCK OF SANCTUARY in Whom we abide and are protected as God's judgment rolls over the rest of this world [ISAIAH 26:20; ISAIAH 8:9-14]. Oh, let the inhabitants of the Rock sing!

-Gospel report by preacher Clay Curtis


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