Pride & Contention - Deliver Thou us, O God!
Proverbs 13:10 we read a statement that should be a rebuke to most of
us: “Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well
advised is wisdom.” Did you really hear that? “Only by
pride comes contention”? Strong’s Hebrew dictionary defines the
word for contention here as “strife, debate.” Here is one more of
its three uses in the Bible: “He loveth transgression that
loveth strife: and he that exalteth his gate seeketh destruction”
there is one more: “Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and
to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this
day, to make your voice to be heard on high” [ISAIAH
58:4]. At the
root of all contention, strife and debate is PRIDE, period! God says
“only.” Whatever our stated reasons might be, pride is the real
reason. The scriptures say that with pride comes shame and it is
pride that precedes destruction and a haughty spirit that precedes a
contrasted to that it says, “but
with the well advised is wisdom.” Who are the
well advised? They are those truly taught of God, those who have
learned of the Father and have come to Christ Who is the Wisdom of
God! You see, the sinner brought to Christ the Wisdom of God is
brought knowing, acknowledging and confessing that he has no wisdom
of his own to be proud of! His opinion is nothing. His ideas have all
been wrong, especially his thoughts of God. No, Christ is now the
only Wisdom he has. Not only that, but all other believers he now
esteems more highly than himself knowing that surely, they all have
more knowledge, more understanding, more faith and more graces than
he himself does.
knows there is no need to enter into strife or debate or contention
because it would only reveal his ignorance but also be a reproach to
God and the gospel of His dear Son. He prays, “God, shut the
door of my mouth and keep me from contention.” No, he runs
back to the Word of God and asks God to teach him the truth as it is
in Christ Jesus and to cause him to be “well advised”
by the Spirit of God. No matter what we may say or think, “ONLY
by pride cometh contention.” God bring us to be among the
advised” and to acknowledge that
Christ is the only Wisdom we have!
report by preacher Gary Shepard
Grace Baptist church of Jacksonville, North Carolina USA
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