Much notice is taken in Scriptures of the innocency, holiness and righteousness of the Redeemer; that He was holy in His nature, harmless in His life; that He knew no sin, nor ever committed any; that He, the Just and Holy One, suffered for the unjust. A great emphasis is put upon this, that the price with which men are redeemed is the precious blood of Christ, "as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot" (I PETER 1:19). For if He had had any sin in Him, He could not have been a redeemer from sin, nor His blood the price of redemption.

And yet more than all this, it is necessary to make this price a full and adequate one. It must not be the blood of a mere creature, but of One that is God as well as man. And such is Christ. Therefore, Christ, Who is God, is said to purchase the church with His own blood (ACTS 20:28). Being God and man in one person, this gave His blood a sufficient virtue to make such a purchase. And a peculiar emphasis is put upon the blood, being the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God, which cleanses from all sin (I JOHN 1:7).

Gospel report by preacher John Gill (1697 – 1771 A.D.)


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