Return Unto Thy Rest

My soul, abandon to the King!

In trusting Him I find a rest;

And prove again that wondrous truth,

That He alone is surely best!

Give up, give up, all earthly help;

And cling no more to arms of flesh.

Each day shall bring His faithful help,

Reveal His mercies ever fresh.

Be gone all confidence in self.

Release all life's most trusted cords;

And find all strength in Christ alone,

The comfort that His blood affords.

Let conscience rest in sweet repose.

Let fears and worries disappear.

Such things can never spoil the joy,

When to the Savior we are near.

Though circumstance should bring a cloud;

And sin within, my Sabbath break,

Safe in His hand I will remain,

Kept by God's grace for Jesus' sake!

88.88, Words by Gary Shepard


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