What a Savior! Flee to Christ JESUS

The good news from heaven to lost sinners, that glorious gospel of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, is not a message of God's hopeful expectations to save, but of a salvation purposed and accomplished.

It is not a message of Jesus Christ knocking at the door of the sinner's heart, hoping to gain an entrance, but of His determination and ability to give a new heart to whom He will.

It is not a message of the Holy Spirit striving with the sinner's natural will, hoping to influence him to “decide for Jesus,” but of His purpose and ability to make sinners willing, causing them to flee to the Lord Jesus Christ (II Timothy 1:9; Psalm 110:3; John 17:2 & Isaiah 53:11).

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). Just as sure as his name is JESUS, HE SHALL save His people, all His people, from all their sins. What a Savior!

-Gospel report by preacher Maurice Montgomery


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