Shall Man Reply Against Almighty God Himself?
" And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath." —Luke 4:28 [KJV] Human nature, how low fallen in misery and wretchedness! yet how high doth it rise in pride! Though the meek Lamb of God is the preacher of sovereign grace and distinguishing love, yet the wrath of man dares to exalt itself against His doctrine. Fury burst forth like fire, vengeance and resentment break the bounds of the law of God and man, and would have instantly put Jesus to death. Pride is the first-born of Lucifer: "Ye shall be as gods," hath tainted our whole nature with the cursed leaven, and will be the last enemy that is destroyed in us. Out of the abundance of pride in the heart, the mouth is opened against God's sovereign grace, discriminating love, and divine dispensations. "Be still, and know that I am God , " is a lesson the proud nature of man is averse to. "I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will...