Most Blessed Enthusiam
" Because Thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee." —Psalm 63:3 [KJV] Forsake all, and possess all. Give up all, and enjoy all. This is the doctrine of Jesus, and the experience of faith. So we overcome the world, by preferring the love of Christ to every thing beside. Most blessed enthusiasm! really tasting that the Lord is gracious—truly feeling the comforts of His love— actually partaking of fellowship with Jesus—communion of the Holy Spirit—freely conversing with the Father of all consolations— O how transporting to the Spirit! how ravishing to the soul! With what holy indifference does the enraptured heart look down upon the objects of sense! The gilded toys of time, that so attract the views—the glittering vanities of life, that so enslave earthly minds—the empty shadows of sense, that so bewitch the heart; yea, life itself, with all its comforts, what are all, compared to one moment's enjoyment of the loving-kindness of the ...