Two Covenants

“These are the two covenants” -Galatians 4:24 [KJV] 

The God of the Bible, the Living God, is a covenant making, covenant keeping God.  He has made two covenants.  The covenant of works and the covenant of grace, or the old covenant and the new covenant.  The new covenant is actually older than the old covenant because it is eternal, called “The everlasting covenant” in Scripture.  

The covenant of works make some aspect of your salvation dependent upon what you do.  There is something you must first do before God can do something for you.  It is God’s response to what you do.  In reality it is God paying you for services rendered.  If you are saved  because of anything you have first done, if works you perform make you more holy and less sinful, if you believe higher rewards in heaven will be meted out to those who have been “better Christians” you are under the covenant of works and under its curse!  

The covenant of grace has salvation completely dependent upon what Christ has done!  Works are what you have done!  Grace is what He has done!  Some prefer the covenant of works because the covenant of grace gives them no control in their salvation. Those who see their own personal sinfulness see they have no control in salvation. They love the covenant of grace!  God will meet you on the ground you come, but there can be no mixture.  It is all of works or all of grace!  

-unknown preacher of righteousness


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