"She said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table." -Matthew 15:27 [KJV]

Here is blessed reasoning. It produced admiration in the Lord: “O woman, great is thy faith!” It obtained a free grace grant from Him also: “Be it unto thee, even as thou wilt.” Great faith! How does it appear? We do not find she came to Christ in full assurance of faith; saying, I know Thou art my Saviour, I am assured Thou hast loved me, and wilt save me. No. Still there was great faith without this. Look at her faith. Imitate it. She honoured the Lord by it. He honours her for it. (1st.) She was in trouble: she flies instantly to Christ. She tells him of her sorrows. “Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.” To cry to Jesus for mercy, under a sense of being vexed with a devil, is the prayer of faith, and honours the Lord of glory. 

(2d.) Here are great discouragements. Christ answers her not a word. The disciples desire Him to cure her, that they might get rid of her. But Jesus answers (not her, but His disciples) “I am not sent, but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Was not this repulse enough to strike her dumb, and send her away in despair? 

But, (3d.) Instead of this, her faith grew stronger, and her importunity greater. She falls at his feet, with, Lord, help me. O, that was a strong appeal to the loving heart of our dear Lord. She brought her case to a point. Jesus, You can help me. None but You can. If You do not, I am miserable. Have you no compassion for a poor miserable sinner? Lord, help me. Thus casting herself upon the Lord’s love and power, she at last obtained an answer from Him. But O, such a one, as was like a dagger to her heart, “It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and cast it to the dogs.” Now does she turn away like a dog? No. 

(4th.) She had a child’s heart and a child’s faith too. For she again put her case home to the Saviour’s heart. Mark it. I am a dog; a filthy, unclean creature; let me be fed as such, upon the falling crumb. I know, I do not deserve even that from Thee. See what perseverance, faith, and prayer will do. It overcomes all difficulties: surmounts all objections: obtains the sought-for mercy. Some in our day would have thought this woman undervalued herself. But Jesus humbles those sinners to the very lowest, whom He raises to the very highest. O take up this resolution, “I will wait upon the LORD Who hideth His face: I will look for Him.” -Isaiah 8:17


Tho’ vile, tho’ hopeless is my case, 

And in myself I’ve nought to plead; 

Yet will I look to Jesus' grace, 

He has all fulness for my need. 

Tho’ He don’t grant at first my suit, 

Yet will I hope, believe, and pray: 

My soul be still importunate, 

The wretched He ne’er sends away.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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