"I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of My hand." —John 10:28 [KJV]

Thus excellently speaketh the immortal Hervey, "What words are these! And did they come from Him Who hath all power in heaven and earth? And were they spoken to every unfeigned, though feeble follower of the great Shepherd? Then omnipotence itself must be vanquished before they can be destroyed either by the seduction of fraud, or the assault of violence." The followers of the Lamb want no proof of the divinity of their Lord and Saviour; it is plain from the word of truth; they believe it in their hearts. "The gift of God is eternal life," saith St. Paul—Romans 6:23. "I give My sheep eternal life," saith Jesus; therefore Jesus is both Lord and God. 

To give temporal life is not in the power of a finite being; he who gives eternal life, must be, as our Jesus is, the infinite and eternal Jehovah over all, God blessed for evermore. How full of grace and glory is this text! What consolation may the children of faith draw from it! Here is their mercy; they are in the hands of their precious Saviour; hence they are safe and secure. "They shall NEVER perish," saith Jesus, Who is THE TRUTH. "None shall pluck them out of My hand," saith He who hath all power in heaven and earth. 

"I give," saith the Saviour, NOW, at this present—what? Grace into their hands, which, if they improve well, shall entitle them to glory? Infinitely more; nothing less than life, spiritual life, eternal life, the life of their immortal soul; this glorious gift is enjoyed by faith. "This is life eternal, to know the only true God and Jesus Christ Whom He hath sent."John 17:3. Thus is Christ precious, salvation certain, and eternal life secure to every believing soul; but as to the knowledge and enjoyment of this life, in the experience of saints, they often find great abatements of its vigour and comfort. 

Hence the various frames they are exercised with. Spiritual life, in its knowledge, comfort and enjoyment, is opposed by a life of sense in the Christian, and spiritual opposition from within and without him; the devil, the world, and the flesh, strive to pluck Christ's sheep out of His hands. Corrupt teachers give the lie to our Saviour, and say such a thing may be: hence the hearts of His sheep are distressed; impossible for any of Christ's sheep to perish; if He doth not give eternal life to them all, then His truth must fail; the covenant-oath, promises of the God of truth, must all be broken; our faith is void, the gospel is of no effect; our comfort and joy arise from our being simple in heart, firmly relying upon our Saviour's declaration, living upon His word, looking to Him, and expecting, without the least doubt, we shall most certainly be "kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation."—1 Peter 1:5.

William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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