Great Encourgament in CHRIST JESUS ~ 11 November, 2023 A.D.

"And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" —Acts 9:6 [KJV]

Such are the effects when sovereign grace reacheth a sinner's heart. When the light of truth shines in the conscience, it makes the stoutest heart to tremble. When Jesus is manifested to the soul, it causes astonishment and creates love. Transient convictions of sin often beget horror of conscience, and they often pass away as the morning cloud and early dew. Such conversions are very common; sinners are frequently turned from one sect and system of opinions to another; yea, also their lives and practices may be reformed, and they may seem to be converted; and often, where is the least cause, there is the greatest confidence; especially, if such persons are confirmed in their hopes by great pretensions to experience, and can talk much of ecstasies and raptures, visions and revelations, which they suppose came from God: while many continue poor, trembling, self-emptied, and low-abased souls, they know and feel nothing but sin and helplessness in themselves; yet from a discovery of the glory of Jesus and the perfection of His salvation, seek all in Him, and expect all from Him; but yet they remain diffident of their state and doubtful of their conversion; they are exercised with great perplexity of mind at times concerning themselves. 

In both cases time only manifests the truth of conversion. Effects best prove their cause. When Christ is revealed to the heart; when the soul, by the eye of faith, "sees Him Who is invisible," it is manifested by holy mourning and godly sorrow for past conduct, humble hope and scripture confidence of salvation: and this excites prayer to Jesus for instruction, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" The soul desires to obey His will in truth and love. The habitual frame of the soul to Christ, His salvation, His truths and commandments, is a stronger evidence of real conversion than all the visions, ecstasies, horror or transports which the passions can yield. So St. Paul's after conduct to Jesus and His cause, fully proved that he had felt the power and tasted the sweetness of a Saviour's love. 

Though every conversion is not produced in the same extraordinary manner Paul's was, yet the soul of every believer is turned to the very same object, Jesus, for whole salvation. Thus "Jesus, the exalted Prince and Saviour, gives repentance and forgiveness of sins. The witness of this is the Holy Ghost, whom God gives to them who obey Him."—Acts 5:31, 32. 

As new-born babes desire the breast, 

To feed and grow and thrive; 

So saints with joy the gospel taste, 

And by the gospel live. 

Not by the terrors of a slave, 

Our souls obey Christ's will; 

But with the noblest pow'rs we have, 

We love and serve Him still.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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