"Wisdom is justified of all her children." -Luke 7:35 [KJV]

“O! could I but know, and be sure, I am a child of God, I should be quite happy. The want of this makes me very uncomfortable.” Such is the language of many a doubting believer. Well, soul, here is a mark laid down: by it judge of thyself, and know thy state. Art thou a child of wisdom? If so, thou wilt justify wisdom. But what is wisdom? What is it to justify wisdom? 

(1st.) Thy Saviour is “the wisdom of God” (I Corinthians 1:24.) He is not only wise to win souls, but is wisdom itself. He makes all His children wise unto salvation, by knowing Him, “of God, made unto us wisdom” (I Corinthians 1:30.) Wisdom is here arraigned, and His ways censured by the calumny of fools. He is condemned as a licentious person; a sot; an epicure; a jovial friend, and companion of wicked sinners. If you are a child of wisdom, you will also meet with the same treatment from a carnal world and self-righteous men.  

If you dare openly confess salvation by the Son of God alone—free and full justification unto eternal life, by His blood and righteousness only, without your works contributing thereto, either in whole or in part, you will be condemned as a licentious Antinomian. Both the profane and self-righteous will unite, to proclaim you a friend to sin, and an enemy to all good works. Why? Because their carnal hearts were never under the constraints of Christ’s love. Their licentious thoughts were never brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Therefore, their lips proclaim their ignorance, while they are opened against His truths. Now, you are called to justify wisdom, Who has justified you. 

(2d.) How is this to be done? (a.) Hold fast, wisdom’s truths in your hearts, as your chief glory, in opposition to all gain-sayers. So, (b.) From a warm and lively sense of comfort by them, your lives will justify their holy influence. You will loudly proclaim to all the world, that, though you dare not attempt a single act, to justify your souls before God; yet you dare not continue in sin, because grace hath abounded. Your holy faith forbids it. The heavenly love of Christ animates to all obedience. 

Your glorious hope in Christ makes you ready, and obedient, unto every good word and work. For the grace of God which bringeth salvation to the soul, teaches all the children of wisdom “to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present evil world” (Titus 2:12.) Thus we know, we have the faith of God’s elect, and are the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. -Galatians 3:26


I know my soul is made alive, 

By Jesus’ mighty power; 

For sin I hate, against it strive, 

And pray to love Christ more.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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