"The joy of the LORD is your strength." -Nehemiah 8:10 [KJV]

This is a precious, evangelical chapter. Glorious gospel truths are here held forth to us. Lord, help us to see them, and feed upon them. Here is, (1st.) a solemn observation of the feast of tabernacles. This was appointed by the wisdom of God the Father, (Leviticus 23:34.) Did God solemnly command the people to dwell in booths for eight days, but to some glorious end? Christ is the substance of the whole law: here is a shadow of Him. Here is typified, God’s beloved Son, Who was to tabernacle in our flesh, and all the Father’s glory to dwell in Him. 

(2d.) “The people gathered together as one man.” So, “Unto Shiloh, the Messiah, shall the gathering of the people be.” (Genesis 49:10.) (3d.) Ezra the priest reads and expounds to them the law, in the open street: (much such another crime as field preaching) the people were convinced of sin, and wept. The law ministers death and condemnation to them. Here is the office of the Holy Ghost, in convincing of sin, and comforting them by faith. 

(4th.) Ezra preaches the gospel to them, and says, “Weep not—neither be ye sorry.” No! not when their hearts were wounded by sin; the terrors of a broken law fell upon them; and when they saw justice armed with vengeance to destroy them? No: for, says he, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” How so? A glorious ray of Christ’s rich love, and marvellous grace to sinners, beam forth here. See what is the joy of the Lord. Our precious Lord Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, “For the joy that was set before Him, (of saving us miserable sinners) endured the cross, despising the shame,” (Hebrews 12:2.) 

Look unto Jesus. Meditate on this joy of your Lord. Though He was to suffer the most excruciating pains and agonies on the cross— be exposed to public shame and infamy as a malefactor, hanging naked; yet such was His joy in saving His dear people from hell, to be glorified with Him eternally in heaven, that He patiently endured all, and cheerfully despised all this. O! such love, such grace, such joy, never dwelt but in the heart of an incarnate God! Sinner, this joy of the Lord is your strength and mine; the faith of this creates the highest joy in our souls: and this joy inspires our hearts with strength and courage against all our enemies. For we are more than conquerors, through Christ Who loved us, and had such joy in saving us. 

O to think I am a poor, weak, and vile sinner from day to day—surrounded by the most subtle and powerful foes, is enough to make our hearts faint, our knees feeble, and our hands hang down. But, O the joy, the strength it inspires the soul to know, “The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty.” Zepheniah 3:17


The joy which cometh from the Lord, 

Our daily strength shall be: 

It’s reap’d by faith in His good word, 

Who hung upon the tree.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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