To Whom be honour and power everlasting, Amen

"Thy Maker is thine Husband, the LORD of Hosts is His name, and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel: the God of the whole earth shall He be called." -Isaiah 54:5 [KJV]

In this one verse, is a trinity of comforts. All are enjoyed in the unity of faith. The Spirit bears witness of them. Let our hearts attend to them. Consider, (1st.) thou sin-distressed, law-accursed, Satan-accused soul, Thy Maker is thine husband. Glorious gospel! Faith, listen; love, awake; hope, rejoice. In the Hebrew, Thy Makers thy husband; Father, Son, and Spirit. 

The triune God, Who made thee, is married to thee, and in covenant with thee. How is this relation effected? God the Son comes into our nature; takes upon Him our flesh. We are peculiarly espoused to Christ. (1st.) By His ministers. Says St. Paul, “I have espoused you to Christ” (II Corinthians 11:2.) (2d.) Experimentally, by faith. We know nothing of the loving, eternal designs of Christ to our souls, till, by the grace of His Spirit, we are brought to Him, receive Him, and give Him our hearts, as our own bridegroom. Then we feel the blessings and enjoy the comfort of marriage union. We live in love, walk by faith, rejoice in hope. O Christ, make us and keep us chaste virgins to Thee! 

(3d.) Christ is our Redeemer. Why Husband before Redeemer? I humbly conceive, to remind us of His eternal love to us; of His eternally espousing our cause; and His purpose, before time, of marrying our persons. There He took our nature, that in our nature He might redeem us to God His Father. He has effectually done it by His precious blood. Being redeemed by Him, and married to Him, the Father owns the relation, glories over us in Him; and the Spirit sanctifies and comforts us in Him. 

Therefore, (4th.) as an affectionate bride glories in the person, and rejoices in the titles of her husband: so, O soul, do thou in thy heavenly Bridegroom. (1st.) He is thy Maker. He, Who is almighty to create, is almighty to preserve. (2d.) He is the Lord of Hosts. What can all the powers of earth and hell do against Him? (3d.) He is the God of the whole earth. The Lord God omnipotent is thy Jesus. Ever glory in Him, as equal to the Father, as touching the godhead. Fools deny this. 

The wise unto salvation believe, adore and glory in Christ as such; Who only hath immortality to bestow upon dying sinners: “To Whom be honour and power everlasting, Amen” (I Timothy 6:16.) Ever remember, we are married to Christ, that we should bring forth fruit unto God. Romans 7:4. 


Wedded to the Lord! This I see— 

O wondrous grace! O matchless love!

Lord, ever keep me chaste to Thee, 

That I may all Thy goodness prove. 

All other lovers I’d forsake— 

My Lord, Thy love has won my heart; 

For tho’ I’m poor, forlorn, and weak, 

Christ is my all, in Him I’ve part.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


Nancy said…
wonderful blog Bill...
Amen, amen...I really enjoyed reading the gospel report
love you, Nancy

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