Before the Foundation of the world...

"Being confident of this very thing, that He which began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6). 

If God began a thing, it was not begun in time. If it is realized in time, it began with God in eternity. So, the salvation, the grace that these believers received, began before the foundation of the world. We know from the clear revelation of scripture that the eternal aspects of grace are Christ’s Suretyship, election unto salvation, predestination of conformity to Christ, calling, justification and glorification. 

Along with this is the eternal mechanism of providence that orders all things to their appointed end. I feel for those who think that what they do or do not do somehow affects the outcome of history. It is He that has begun this good work, and who can disannul or turn it back? The work is called a “good work .” 

There is no doubt it is good for the believer. However, the reason it is good is because He is good. This has to do with His glory (Exodus 33: 18-19). It is a good work because it glorifies God in all His attributes. The report of it is called good news or good tidings. The only other work involved anointing our Lord for His burial, a thing that honored the Surety of His death for the salvation of the elect (Mark 14:3-9). 

Paul’s confidence was that if God had begun the work, He would also do the work, finish the work, and receive all the glory for the work (Ephesians 1:3-6). The wonder and glory of this truth is that the beginning, when God is the Author, assures the end. In fact, Scripture declares that the end was already set and sure. The beginning was merely the historical opening line of an already complete story (Isaiah 46:9-12)

Christ said, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last” (Revelation 22:13). The day of Jesus Christ is a two-fold day of finishing. It refers first to the day of His death that finished salvation. Secondly, it refers to His second coming where the final aspect of that finished salvation will be realized: the gathering of the elect and the utter destruction of the enemy. Paul is confident of this very thing. 

-preacher Tim James of  Sequoyah Sovereign Grace Baptist Church located in Cherokee, North Carolina USA


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