"Wherefore, let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall." -I Corinthians 10:12 [KJV]

Formal professors of His name are called the Lord’s people, as well as those who are possessors of His love. The former for want of love to God, have no zeal for His glory. Hence, they are careless of their walk, and are liable to fall from the height of a towering profession, into the bottomless pit of perdition. Possessors of God’s love are also liable to fall, though not out of the hands of Christ into hell, yet into many things which may wound their souls, bring a hell into their consciences, a dishonour on the name and gospel of Christ, and give the enemies thereof an occasion to blaspheme that worthy name by which they are called. 

O, Christians! see to your standing. You are called upon, as you love your dear Saviour, as you value the peace of God, and the comfort of your souls, “To take heed lest you fall.” Be not high-minded, but fear. You stand by faith. The dreadful falls of others are set before us for ensamples, types, or patterns of the awful judgment of God against sin; and as a warning to us, to beware that we fall not as they did. 

(1st.) Into idolatry. O! beware of sacrificing your precious time and attention to lying vanities: any thing that takes your heart from God, is an idol: mixing with the wicked and profane, to partake of their carnal joys, is a species of idolatry. You in effect say, I cannot find complete happiness in my God; therefore, I seek it here. Covetousness is idolatry (Colossians 3:5.) A covetous man seeks that in his gold, which can only be enjoyed in God: be sure, the anger of the Lord will smoke against such. 

(2d.) “Fornication.” O! beware of this gross sin of the flesh, and also of spiritual fornication against your Lord Christ. 

(3d.) “They tempted Christ.” O, beware how you distrust the grace, power, and faithfulness of Christ to keep you and comfort you, so as to withdraw your faith in Him, hope on Him, and prayer to Him; or tempt Him, by presuming on His power to keep you, in the midst of snares and temptations you wilfully run into. 

(4th.) “They murmured.” O! watch against a spirit of dissatisfaction, with the dispensations of Providence, and the displays of grace. The pride of our nature is prone to find fault with both. What caused all this? 

Why, (5th.) “They lusted after evil things.” This is the source and spring of every sin. “When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death” (James 1:15.) What is the sovereign antidote against all this? Standing in and walking by the faith of the Son of God. This brings fellowship with God. Hence, lust is killed in the heart, that it cannot break out into sin in the life. “Be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer” (I Peter 4:7.)

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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