Confidence Towards GOD Most High
"Beloved, if our hearts condemn us not, then have we confidence towards God." -I John 3:21 [KJV]
A text misapplied, is like a bone out of joint, which puts the body to pain. This text may have such an effect upon the soul. For what poor sinner is there upon earth, but his heart must condemn him for coming short of God’s glory, and perfect obedience of His holy law? Must he therefore give up his confidence towards God? Yes, if we so understand the text. But surely this was not the apostle’s design: for this would effectually destroy love to God, and distress His poor children’s souls, by taking away the comfort of faith, that, “there is no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1.)
What meaneth he then? Plainly to establish our hearts in the faith of God’s love to us in Christ, and from this love experienced in the heart, in love to our brethren in Christ. This is an experienced truth—if faith and love abate, our hearts condemn us, and our confidence towards God grows weak. In proportion to our lively faith and warm love, confidence towards God is strong.
(1st.) As to faith.—The apostle calls on us, verse 1. “Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.” Now, are you beholding, believing, and living upon this stupendous love of God in Christ? Are you dwelling upon it? Does it engage your attention? Does it captivate your affections? Does it swallow up the low, mean, inordinate love of the world? If not, your heart will condemn you. Your confidence in God will abate; you will not delight in Him with the affection of a child, nor draw nigh to Him with joyful gladness, as to your loving Father.
So, (2d.) Of love. Love to the brethren of Christ, the apostle is here treating of. Lively faith in Christ ever begets warm love to our brethren. Then, we have strong confidence towards God, that He is our loving Father, and we are His obedient children. But if love be wanting, our hearts will smite and reproach us, and confidence in God forsake us. See hence, that all our comforts spring from our confidence towards God; and all our distress, from our hearts condemning us for want of faith and love. O! let us cry to the blessed Spirit, to enable us to live more upon the love, the matchless, everlasting, unchangeable love of God to us in Christ Jesus.
Let us be thankful that He has given us feeling hearts, which are not like those of the wicked, hardened by the deceitfulness of sin: but are tender, to feel the least condemnation. And when our hearts condemn us, let us flee to our great High-Priest, Who is touched with a feeling of our infirmities. See Hebrews 4:15.
My heart doth oft condemn,
When God condemneth not:
He justifies me in the Lamb,
And all my sins doth blot.
But still He bids me care
To walk in faith and love,
In Him and to His children dear,
And taste His joys above.
-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)