Be Exhorted Saints in CHRIST JESUS...

"...perfecting holiness in the fear of God." -II Corinthians 7:1 [KJV]

Who are thus exhorted? saints in Christ. What for? To labour to get perfect holiness, to obtain the favour of God? No: they are already perfectly justified in His sight, and sanctified to His glory. But some reject this: they legalize the gospel (if I may so speak) under a specious shew for holiness, as though that was to procure more for us from God, than the blood and righteousness of His dear Son. This is aiming to perfect holiness, in ignorance and unbelief: this eclipses the glory of Christ’s work for us, inverts the order of gospel economy, and brings perplexity and distress upon God’s children. 

For, this is the glory of the gospel,—that moment a sinner is justified by the faith of Christ, he is sanctified by the Spirit of Christ. Our title to heaven, and our meetness for glory, come together by the same rich grace: being brought into the sense of God’s favour, we have also suitable dispositions to enjoy Him. What then? Are we to be idle in the Christian life; to live and walk according to the course of this world, fulfilling our carnal lusts? No: those who do, have no reason to think they possess a holy faith in a holy Jesus, or that a holy God is their Father in Christ. Saint of God, thou art called to perfect holiness in the fear of God. 

(1st.) How is this to be done? by living a life of faith on the Son of God, Who came to destroy the works of sin and Satan, and to conform us to the image of God. We are daily to look to Christ, to be made sanctification in us, as well as righteousness to us. We have daily sins to be subdued, graces to be exercised, and duties to be performed. Only the grace of Christ is sufficient for us; and by that we are enabled to go on, perfecting holiness. It is a constant, progressive work. No one is perfect in holiness. Every saint is going on perfecting it, to the end of his life, in the holy, loving fear of the Lord. 

(2d.) Why is this to be done? It is our calling: we must follow it as our daily employ. The more holiness from Christ, the more happiness with Him. It brings honour and glory to Christ: it proves that his religion is of a holy nature; that we possess a holy faith; and that it works by the love of Christ, in holy love to Him. So it puts to silence the ignorance of foolish men, by living down their carnal objection, That the doctrine of absolute, unconditional salvation leads to licentiousness. 

Yet, (3d.) here is no room for legal boasting of our holiness. For “the Lord worketh in us both to will and to do of His own good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13.) In all that we are and do, we are to follow after holiness. Holiness unto to the LORD shall be upon the bells of the horses (see Zechariah 14:20.)

Lord, daily teach me, more and more, 

The way to joy and bliss, 

That all who reach the heav’nly shore, 

Must walk in holiness. 

O! let Thy fear dwell in my heart, 

Lest I should Thee offend, 

And from Thy holy ways depart 

And hold not to the end.


-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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