"Being justified freely by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." -Romans 3:24 [KJV]

Who are in this happy state? Men, apostate men! who have alike “sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” But are impenitent and unbelieving sinners justified? Who will dare assert this? St. Paul fully contradicts it. He expressly says, the righteousness of God, (that one righteousness which God appoints, accepts and approves) which is by faith of Jesus Christ, (received by that faith, which Jesus is the Author and Finisher of, Hebrews 12:2.) is unto all, and upon all them who believe. 

But unbelievers reject this glorious righteousness of Christ. Therefore, they are not in a state of justification. Doubtless, God hath it in His secret and eternal purposes, to justify all them who shall believe: therefore, He gives them faith in time. Then, what was eternally decreed, effectually takes place in their souls: then, they come as condemned malefactors, to plead this act of free grace at the bar of justice, at the footstool of mercy; and, from the ground of their hearts, give God the glory of it. For God is just, while He is the justifier of him who believes in Jesus. 

O, happy believer in Jesus! Thou, even thou, though in thyself a miserable sinner, yet art freely justified. Thou art as fully freed from all condemnation for sin, as though thou hadst never committed a sin. Thou art as perfectly righteous before God, as if thou hadst never sinned: infinitely more so, than if Adam had never fallen, and thou hast been born an innocent creature. For thou art arrayed in the glorious righteousness of the Jehovah Man, Christ Jesus. 

Why art thou not always happy and joyful in this? Pride is thy nature: that says, It cannot be—I must have some hand in procuring it. Legality works in you: that says, I must perform some condition to obtain it. Unbelief sets itself against it, and says, It is impossible it should be true. All the evil that is in your fallen nature opposes free and full justification by the grace of God. It is your grand business to oppose the truth of God against all, and to believe in opposition to all. Fix, O fix your constant eye on the redemption that is in Christ Jesus! 

Free grace sets that before you. Glory only and alone in this: for by this thou art delivered from captivity to sin, Satan and the law, and hast a full and everlasting title to heaven. All grace and glory comes from free grace, through this. O! be strong in faith, and give Jesus the glory of this. And while you look at and glory in your blessed privileges, be careful of your walk. Consider how highly thou art favoured of God, and how thou oughtest in all things to study to please God, and ever fear to offend Him: for “God is love” (I John 4:8.)

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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