The Work of Righteousness Shall Be PEACE

"And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness, and assurance for ever." —Isaiah 32:17 [KJV]

The light of this day assures us the sun is risen upon the earth. That is not a more evident truth in nature, than this is in reason; that righteousness, once lost, can never be regained by all that sinful man can do. Consequently no peace can subsist between a holy, righteous God, and guilty, unrighteous man. "There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked." But who are the wicked? Even all those who through unbelief reject the truth as it is in Jesus. 

It is the essence of wickedness to oppose a righteous God, to reject the righteousness of Jesus, and to go about to establish one's own inherent righteousness, so as not to submit to the righteousness of God Jesus. Hence the conscience is defiled with guilt, the heart impure, and the life is unholy. Yet pride blinds men's eyes, and self-righteousness deludes their hearts with a false peace. 

For as there is but one atonement by which guilty sinners are pardoned, so there is but ONE righteousness, even the perfect righteousness of Jesus, by which alone unrighteous sinners are made righteous in the sight of God: He accepts no other; His law is honored by no other; the scriptures reveal no other; faith receives no other; the Spirit bears witness to no other; sinners have no other in which they can stand before God, enjoy peace with God. But possessing the righteousness of Jesus by faith, their minds enjoy a peace which passeth all understanding. 

There are many things from a sinful nature, Satan, and the law, which tend to disquiet their minds daily. But this is the blessed effect of Jesus' righteousness; it brings quietness to the conscience. This comforting thought, I am righteous: my Father hath put on me the best robe, which Jesus my elder brother wrought out for me. This quiets my mind; I am easy and satisfied; I can seek no better righteousness; I dare trust in no other. And this righteousness is presented with the clearest evidence, the strongest confidence, the fullest assurance. 

The triumphs of Jesus' resurrection proclaim its acceptance with God. The Spirit testifies of it in the word, and gives assurance of salvation by it in the hearts of the faithful. Hence the holy boldness and happy rejoicing of faith before a righteous God. David's address to Jesus is, "My mouth shall shew forth Thy righteousness, and Thy salvation all the day. I will make mention of Thy righteousness, even of Thine only." — Psalm 71:15, 16. 

As there is but ONE FAITH, so saints in all ages had but one object to look to for righteousness, even Jesus. Therefore holy Paul prays, "that I may be found in Him, not having mine own righteousness." —Philippians 3:9.

-preacher William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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