Encouragement in Christ ~ 4 February, 2023 A.D.

"If ye love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter, that He may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth." —John 14:15, etc.  

He would be a traitor and a rebel who should dare to set up his standard in England, and demand allegiance from the king's subjects, and require obedience to his commands, who had no right to the crown. So Jesus, if He is not KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS—the King of saints—the living and true God; but only a mere man, a Prophet mighty in word and in deed, a very good man, who taught the best morals, and set us a good example, as some proud, vain, ignorant creatures pretend; verily, if this were all, we, Christians, could see no goodness in Him. But He would be a bold usurper against the one eternal Jehovah, striving to alienate the affections of the heart, and the obedience of the life from GOD, whom ye are commanded to love and serve only.  

Therefore, "If ye love He, keep MY commandments," saith Jehovah the mighty God, by the wonderful man Christ Jesus. Disciples know His voice. In love, He hath done all things for their salvation. From love, He requires all of them in duty. Obedience without love is slavery: Love without obedience is dissimulation. In keeping His commandments there is great reward, enjoyed in present peace, expected in future hope; both are the fruits of free grace and unmerited love, and secured by precious promises. While others might hear of Jesus, and talk of the miracles Jesus wrought in the days of His flesh; yet those disciples only, who were obedient to His call and followed Him, saw His glory, and enjoyed the comforts of His presence. So the closer disciples walk with Jesus in love and obedience, they enjoy more of the comforts of faith.  

And besides the gift of faith, as an evidence, they shall receive the comforting witness of their being the children of God, even from the Spirit of truth; another comforter, who shall abide with them, for ever, as a seal, earnest, and pledge of their future glory. So Jesus prays—so the Father bestows—so the Spirit applies and comforts. Glory be to the ever-blessed THREE, who thus agree in ONE, and bear witness on earth of salvation, to the comfort and joy of poor sinners. Love to Jesus is the spring of obedience. Keeping His commandments, is the way IN which, though not FOR which the Spirit comforts our hearts. "What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."Matthew 19:6.  

The God of mercy be ador'd, Who calls our souls from death, Who saves by His redeeming word And new-creating breath.  

To praise the Father and the Son, And Spirit (all divine) The one in three, and three in one, Let saints and angels join. 

-William Mason (1724-1797 A.D.) 


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