This Perfume of Grace

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 5:3 [KJV]

Only those who are poor in spirit, are capable of receiving grace. He who is swollen with self-excellency and self-sufficiency is not fit for Christ. He is full already. If the hand is full of pebbles it cannot receive gold. The glass is first emptied, before you pour in wine. God first empties a man of himself, before He pours in the precious wine of His grace.

He who is poor in spirit is a Christ-admirer. He has high thoughts of Christ. He sees himself naked and flies to Christ, to be clothed in the garments of His righteousness. He sees himself wounded and as the wounded deer runs to the water so he thirsts for Christ's blood, the water of life. "Lord!" says he, "give me Christ or I die!" His conscience has turned into a fiery serpent and has stung him; now he will give all the world for a brazen serpent! He sees himself in a state of death; and how precious is one leaf of the tree of life, which is both for food and medicine! The poor in spirit sees that all his riches lie in Christ - "wisdom, righteousness, sanctification." In every need, he flies to this storehouse! He adores the all-fullness in Christ.

He who is poor in spirit is an exalter of free grace. None so magnify God's mercy as the poor in spirit. The poor are very thankful. When Paul had tasted mercy how thankfully does he adore free grace! "The grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant" (I Timothy 1:14). It was super-exuberant grace! He sets the crown of his salvation upon the head of free grace! As a man who is condemned and has a pardon sent to him how greatly he proclaims the goodness and mercifulness of his Prince! So Paul displays free grace in its magnificent colors. He interlines all his epistles with free grace. As a vessel which has been perfumed, makes the water taste of it, so Paul, who was a vessel perfumed with mercy, makes all his epistles to taste of this perfume of free grace. Those who are poor in spirit, bless God for the least crumb which falls from the table of free grace. Labor for poverty of spirit. Christ begins with this, and we must begin here if ever we are saved. Poverty of spirit is the foundation stone, on which God lays the superstructure of eternal glory.

-preacher Thomas Watson, 1660 A.D.


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