"Ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light." -Ephesians 5:8 [KJV]

Unregenerate persons, raised from indigence (-poverty) to opulence (-riches), do not love to hear of their pedigree: they see not the hand of the Lord in it. What detracts from their character and merit, hurts them. But disciples of Christ like to hear of, love to look back upon what they were by nature, that they may ascribe fresh praise to the Lord, Who of His mere grace raised their degenerate souls "out of the dust, and lifted the needy from the dunghill, and has set them with the princes of His people, (Psalm 113:7, 8.) 

We are here reminded, “Ye were”—what? dark, having some glimmering light of God, His truth, His ways, etc. Nay more, darkness itself. Blind to them, as if totally deprived of sight. Ignorant of them as a beast: as dark, respecting them, as we should be of natural objects without the sun. We walked in darkness, and knew not that we were in the high road to hell. But now, blessed now! O, wonder of grace! ye are—what? enlightened by the Lord? have light from the Lord? Yes! this is true. But more; We have a light in the Lord, like the angel which John saw, standing in the sun, (see Revelation 19:17.) 

We have not only the light of life, but we are in Christ, Who is the Sun of Righteousness, and the light of the world. Here, we see our Father’s glory shining in the face of Christ—feel His love in Him—behold His grace and truth, which came by Him—enjoy precious promises in Him—know the glorious doctrines taught by Him: all which lead to, and centre in Him. Hence we look down upon the world with contempt, upon sin with abhorrence, upon Satan with defiance, upon carnal men with pity, and up to our Lord with love and praise; for “we have an unction from Him, and know all things,” (I John 2:20.) 

His truths are our delight. “His commandments are not grievous!” (ch. 5:3.) Here is all comprised in one word, Walk as children of the light. But how shall I know I am a child of light? Strange question! Just as strange as for a person with his eyes open, in midday, to ask, How do I know I can see? But if you do not enjoy the comfort of light, it is because you do not walk as a child of light. There are many such dark walkers. No marvel, they are uncomfortable professors. St. Paul wept on account of such. See them described: “they mind earthly things,” (Philippians 3:19.) They have a tongue for Christ, but the world has their heart. Beware of such: refrain from such. For, “If we say we have fellowship with Christ, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses from all sin.” -I John 1:6, 7


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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