
Showing posts from December 18, 2023

Jesus Made Peace by The Blood of His Cross

" Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful." —Colossians 3:15 [KJV] Every exhortation in the word of grace implies a contrary disposition in the fallen nature of saints. Because thou hast turbulence and disorder in thy flesh, therefore art thou, believer, called upon by the word, to oppose it in the grace of the Spirit. Here is thy daily exercise. We shall surely meet with many things from within and without, which are contrary to the peace of our minds, and the comfort of our hearts. Thou, O man of God, art to flee these things: watch against them; pray for victory over them. Thou hast the most powerful excitements hereto.  Jesus hath made peace by the blood of His cross. Every disciple is called to the knowledge and enjoyment of it through faith. Called to be of that one body whereof Jesus is the Head. Hence the handwriting of the law of accusation is cancelled in the mind; sin is dethroned in the heart;