
Showing posts from March 25, 2023

Deliverance from the Fears of Death - CHRIST, THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE

" Knowing, that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me." —II Peter 1:14 [KJV] Nothing but the life of Jesus, manifest in our flesh, can reconcile us to death. This, and this only, delivers from the fears of death, disarms it of its sting, and fortifies the mind with the knowledge of complete victory over the king of terrors, "through Him Who hath loved us." Constant converse with Jesus makes death familiar. So we learn to die daily; so the spiritual, immortal life of the soul triumphs over the sensual, mortal life of the body. The happy spirit, in some highly-favored seasons, is so far from fearing and trembling at the body's dissolution, that it rejoices, and even longs to be set at liberty from its imprisoned state; it pants with desires after its beloved, and says, "Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly:" It wants To clap its glad wings and tow'r away, And mingle with eternal day. How sweet