
Showing posts from May 13, 2021

Sealed of Almighty God

"And one Man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by His side." - Ezekiel 9:2  [KJV] Pause, my soul, over this scripture. Who could this one man be, but Jesus, thy Mediator. Did not His garment of linen mark His righteousness, and the inkhorn to write down His people, His pierced side? Hath He not written in the book of life the names of all His redeemed, that none of them may be lost when He cometh to make up His jewels? And was it not with an eye to this the soldier pierced His side when by His death He had obtained eternal redemption for them, that He might with His precious blood mark His people, as a shepherd doth his sheep? Yes, Thou dear Redeemer! Surely I behold Thee sweetly set forth in this scripture. Surely the Holy Ghost, who all along delighted to set Thee forth under various similitudes before the old church, hath graciously represented Thee here.    Methinks I behold Thee now coming forth in the white garment of Thy spotless righteous