
Showing posts from May, 2018

Flee to Christ - Ark of Salvation!

. . .   “ Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest .”   -Jesus Christ our LORD, as per Matthew 11:28 “ Salvation is of the LORD .”   -Jonah 2:9c “ IT IS FINISHED .”   -John 19:30 [KJV] When I read in God's Word about the believer's rest which is found totally and completely in Christ and His accomplished redemption at Calvary, I can't help but think of the short poem by John Bunyan, the writer of Pilgrim's Progress: “Run, run, the law commands But gives us neither feet nor hands, Far better news the Gospel brings: It bids us fly and gives us wings.” All false religion continually cries DO, DO. The Gospel of God's grace tells the laboring and heavy-ladened sinner, IT IS DONE. -Gospel report by preacher Richard Warmack, Grace Baptist of Ruston, Louisiana . . .  

Good News!

SALVATION IS ALL OF GRACE - SO WHY NOT ME?     God does not save any man because there is anything in that man that deserves salvation. He saves sinners because He delights to show mercy. The reason for redemption is found in Him, not in us. His mercy planned salvation, His grace chose us, His love gave Christ to redeem us, and His power keeps us. "So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy" (Romans 9:16). If you have been looking for some reason in yourself why God should show mercy to you, you look in vain! If you have weighed your works and considered your contributions to the kingdom in order to merit God's favor, you'll only be disappointed in the end! The Lord saves whomsoever He will. His own declaration to Moses is, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion" (Romans 9:15). Now then, if it be God's will to sa

A Substitue Found!

There is an ancient saying, "The Judge is condemned when the guilty is acquitted." Alas, guilty people are sometimes set free in our judicial system, but this never happens in God’s Courtroom. If a person is justified (acquitted, found not guilty), it is because God is just (Deuteronomy 32:4). God has declared the person not guilty and has done so in strict harmony with His rule of Law and Justice. But, how, is this possible? How can a sinful person be accepted in the sight of a God who will by no means clear the guilty (Exodus 34:7)?  Man is a sinner and the penalty upon sin, as announced by God, is death (Romans 6:23). And that will be his lot unless a sinless substitute can be found to die in his place. A certain man on the Malabar Coast of Southern India had enquired of various Hindu Holy men how he might make atonement for his sins. He was directed to drive iron spikes, sufficiently blunted, through his sandals and walk about 480 miles to a place of pilgrima

Great Encouragement in Christ: Substitution & Satisfaction

Two Vital Truths   The everlasting salvation and present joy of those who believe Christ are wedded to two glorious, vital truths: Substitution and Satisfaction. By the substitutionary death of Christ, He made full satisfaction to divine justice meeting every condition, stipulation and requirement for the redemption, justification and salvation of those whose place He took. These are two cardinal doctrines of the Gospel. Christ the good Shepherd took the place of His sheep, suffered, bled, died and arose in our stead. God Almighty, Who is a just God, justifies the ungodly upon the basis of the cross-death of His Son. In the person and redemptive work of Christ, "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other" (Psalm 85:10). The sins of His fallen people were imputed ( charged to, reckoned to the account of ) the Lord Jesus Christ, and He, by His death, brought in everlasting righteousness which is imputed to His people. The j


"Salvation is of the LORD." -Jonah 2:9c [KJV]   If salvation depends upon our being or doing anything, we shall inevitably be lost. Thank God, it does not; for the great fundamental principle of the gospel is that Christ is all: man is nothing. It is not a mixture of Christ and man---it is all of Christ. The peace of the gospel does not rest in part on Christ's work and in part on man's work; it rests wholly on Christ's work, because that work is perfect, perfect forever; and it renders all who put their trust in Him as perfect as Himself!   Christ must either be a whole Saviour or no Saviour at all. The moment a man says, 'Except you be this or that, you cannot be saved,' he totally subverts the gospel; for in the gospel I find Christ coming down to me, just as I am--a lost, guilty, self-destroyed sinner; and coming, moreover, with a full remission of all my sins, and A FULL SALVATION from my lost estate, all perfectly wrought by Himself on the cros