
Showing posts from October 24, 2023

Ever Look to JESUS

" Remember Lot's wife." —Luke 17:32 [KJV] It may do a disciple much good, it can do him no harm, to call to mind the judgments of his God. Hence he may learn from others' harm to be more wise and wary. If he sees professors fall away, it teaches him to take heed; it tends to lay him low in humility at the feet of Jesus, and excites gratitude and love in his heart, and makes him cry out in astonishment, Why am I not fallen! How am I kept! "Glory to grace!"   It is well, O believer, ever to remember thou standest by faith; "Be not high minded, but fear." O, fear to look back with a wishful eye, or a lusting heart, to the sinful vanities of a carnal world. Remember Lot's wife. What of her? She loitered; she did not keep up with her husband; she was behind him. So, soul; if thou dost loiter, and not keep close with Jesus thy Husband, thou wilt be in danger. "She looked back from behind him." Here was an act of folly, unb