
Showing posts from June 18, 2019


“ Some people today say that they are perplexed by the doctrine of God's sovereignty and election. I am amazed that anyone who believes in God should stumble at God's sovereignty and election. For if there is a God, a King, eternal, immortal, invisible, and almighty, He has to be sovereign, and He must do all things according to His will, and He must choose according to His purpose!  Whom shall He consult? With whom shall He seek counsel and advice? One may DISLIKE THESE DOCTRINES; but you cannot get rid of them without denying altogether the existence of the infinite, wise, glorious God of heaven and earth. God would not be God were He not absolutely sovereign in His eternal pre-arrangements.” - Gospel report by preacher Horatius Bonar

To Receive Christ

"But as many as received H im, to them gave H e power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on H is name." -J OHN 1:12 [KJV] Wherever faith is given to the soul to "receive" Christ, there will be mingled with this faith, and blessedly accompanying it, love to the Lord of life and glory; and sometimes we may know the existence of faith when we cannot see it, by discerning the secret workings and actings of love towards that Saviour, in whom God has enabled us to believe. There will be, from time to time, in living souls a flowing forth of affection towards Jesus. From time to time, He gives the soul a glimpse of His Person; He shews Himself, as the Scripture speaks, "through the lattice;" passing perhaps hastily by, but giving such a transient glimpse of the beauty of His Person, the excellency of His finished work, dying love, and atoning blood as ravishes the heart, and secretly draws forth every affection of the soul, so t

Encouraging Words for Afflicted Saints

Dear believer in Christ Jesus, the Savior has assured His followers of the reality of trials while we are in this world. Remember, however, afflictions are not divine judgments; none can be punished for sins in whose stead Christ has been punished. "There is, therefore, now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus" (R OMANS 8:1) . It is true you will have tribulations, as the Savior said (J OHN 16:33) , but you will never be condemned because He endured the curse of the law as your Substitute. It is an undeniable truth that, unless the Lord returns, your body is headed to the grave, but your soul is not headed to hell. There can be no condemnation because the righteous Judge has pronounced you justified by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Where there is no guilt, there can be no judgment. You will not die in your sins because Christ has died for your sins. "Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say, rejoice!"